I’m in the Science Blogging Anthology!

I recently mentioned that Bora is compiling an anthology of the best ever science blog posts. The selection process is now complete, and I’m very pleased overjoyed that my post, The Discovery of the Neuron, is to be included in the book.

Unfortunately, because the reproduction of images, particularly those in colour, is costly, I’ve decided that only the text of the post will be published. I’m now trying to find the original sources of the 10 obscure quotes I used in the post.

I’d like to congratulate everyone else who’ll be featured in the book, and I want to thank Bora for all the work he’s put into the project – the other day he stayed up ’til after 6 in the morning re-reading all the entries to come to the final decision!

The book, which is as yet untitled, will be published later this month by Lulu.com. The 50 posts to be printed in it can be seen here.

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